NAAC 'A' Accredited | Affiliated To Bangalore University | AICTE Approved

St. Francis de Sales College



St. Francis de Sales College aims to provide a centre of excellence for a holistic formation of the young who are capable of both transforming themselves and of acting as catalysts of transformation in society so as to become epitomes of efficiency, in mastering their life situations and building a progressive and secular nation. The mission of the College is to impart quality higher education and to offer professional skills.

To achieve the Vision and Mission of the College, i.e. to have a quality campus environment, the Internal Quality Assurance Cell at the College was instituted on 15 October 2012 under the leadership of the Principal, Rev. Fr. Benny Jacob, MSFS with the vision: “To ensure a continuous internalization and institutionalization of quality so that the institution excels in standards while serving its students and stakeholders. The IQAC oversees all the quality enhancement and sustenance programmes of the College”.

To ensure a continuous internalization and institutionalization of quality so that the institution excels in standards while serving its students and stakeholders. The IQAC oversees all the quality enhancement and sustenance programmes of the college.

“Development and application of quality benchmarks/parameters for the various academic and administrative activities of the institution.” Dissemination of information on the various quality parameters of higher education. Organization of workshops, seminars on quality- related themes and promotion of quality circles. Documentation of various programmes/ activities leading to quality improvement.

Objectives of the Cell:
The primary aim of the Cell is to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the institution.

• To heighten the level of clarity and focus in institutional functioning towards quality enhancement and facilitate internalization of quality culture and excellence in higher education.
• To bring enhancement and integration among the various activities of the institution and institutionalize many best practices
• To act as a change agent in the institution.
• To better internal communication.
• To provide a sound basis for decision-making to improve institutional functioning

Academic Audit and Accreditation Cell

The Academic Audit and Accreditation cell was formed to understand the existing system and assess the strengths and weaknesses of the departments and administrative units and to suggest the methods of improvement. It also functions to suggest the methods of continuous improvement of quality keeping in mind criteria and reports by NAAC and other bodies.

Objectives of the Cell:
• The primary aim of the Cell is to support and furnish the management with analysis, recommendations and information concerning the quality development of the institution in line with the NAAC process.
• To assist the members of the organisation in the effective discharge of their responsibilities through policy management.
• To maintain the institutional data and provide the same to the management for all the auditing processes.


The Academic Council of the College carries out the general management of the College. It is the principal academic body of the Institution, which is responsible for the academic quality and setting the standards of the institution. The academic body constitute of the Management, IQAC, HOD's of various departments. The Academic Council will be responsible for creating a quality culture in the College and promote the values of the Institution.

Objectives of the Cell:
• To promote teaching-learning experience at the College
• To develop strategies for teaching, learning, research and student support
• To oversee all the arrangements made by the College to bring about better academic results
• To approve the curriculum and academic events
• To make observations and recommendations to the management


The Finance Committee of the College will provide financial oversight of the organization. The Finance Committee will analyze the budgeting of the institution and will provide insights into the financial budgeting and provide suggestions and recommendations for mobilization of funds and optimal utilization of resources.

Objectives of the Cell:
• To ensure that the accurate and complete financial records are maintained
• To monitor income and expenditure statements
• To propose ideas and suggestions to get more funds
• To update the management of the financial matters
• To develop annual budgets


The Exam Cell is the controller of the exams such as Internal Exams, Model exams which are conducted by the Institute. It also facilitates the University Examinations in such a way that perfect coordination is maintained to conduct the Examinations – both practical and written. The board is headed by the Exam Coordinator and helped by the other members who meet at regular intervals to plan, process and execute the given mandate.

Objectives of the Cell:
• To establish a strong, reliable and credible examination system in the Institution
• To improve the quality of examination and ensuring the credibility of the processes throughout the system
• To ensure that all components of the examinations system in the institution follow rules and policies of the institution
• To boost the examination system to the optimum level to get better and reliable results
• To establish a network that could guarantee constant information sharing between all the components


The Research Cell is the eyes of the Institute that looks ahead with regard to academic achievements. This cell takes care of the research activities in the institution. All the HODs need to keep the Research Cell informed about the upcoming academic events and plan with the members of the Cell. This Cell watchfully and diligently helps all the staff and the departments with their constructive suggestions to reach academic miles stones.

Research Cell also looks into the publication of the books and journals of the Institute. The HODs are regularly reminded by the Cell with regard to the publications from the faculty and the students. The research cell also suggests programmes/sessions for the Staff/Students to grow in the research culture.

Objectives of the Cell:
• To create awareness and opportunities in research
• To encourage students and staff to undertake research
• To provide a platform for minor projects
• To orient the faculty and students on the research facilities available
• To recommend and suggest the management on developing research policies


The Student Committee is an elected body of student representatives to promote the democratic way of functionality being taught to them. It is a support system for the holistic development of all Desalites and will work in liaison with the General Administration and respective dedicated Centres/Departments of the College.

Objectives of the Cell:
• To imbibe and inculcate among the Desalites the vision, mission and core values of the College
• To provide constructive feedback on various aspects of campus life, academic programmes, general discipline, library facilities, maintenance of the campus and other student service facilities
• To suggest means for improving the academic quality and standards and research culture.
• To identify and suggest methods of improving student life and students’ conduct and discipline
• To help establish and maintain continuous and effective interaction with the alumni of the College
• To create and encourage an environment for healthy and effective usage of student service facilities and suggest methods for its improvement
• To represent the grievances of the student body to the Management


As part of our constant endeavor to ensure transparency in all the activities at different stages, the College provides proper mechanism to students for the Redressal of their grievances. This committee will deal with all the Grievances directly which is related to the common problems at Institute level both Academic and Administrative.

The aggrieved member shall submit his/her petition to the Grievance Redressal Committee in a sealed envelope marked ‘confidential’. On receipt of a petition, the Grievance Redressal Committee will endeavor to send its recommendation to the Principal for further action. In case of false and frivolous complaint (if proved), the Grievance Redressal Committee will recommend Principal/ Disciplinary Authority to take appropriate action against the complainant. Complaints dropped in the 'Suggestion Box' by students and parents and oral complaints are also redressed. All complaints are scrutinized by the management and the Grievance Redressal Cell.

Objectives of the Cell:
• To provide the students support and solutions to their grievances
• To educate the students on their roles and responsibilities
• To oversee the functioning of the Redressal committee
• Encourage to students to express their grievances and find a solution for the same
• Follow up of the complaints received from the students


In reference to Ministry of Women & Child Development’s D.O. Letter No. 19-8/2014-WW dated 14th January 2015, regarding constitution of the Internal Compliance Committee as per Section 4 of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013.

Executing above directions, an Internal Compliance Committee is constituted at the SFS College to prevent sexual harassment at workplace. A written complaint is required to be taken from the aggrieved person to take the necessary actions. The committee carries out inquiry to sort out the matter. Also provides counselling and conciliation to the aggrieved person.

Objectives of the Cell:
• To protect the rights of women
• To educate and orient on the rights of women
• To provide support in case of any complaints raised
• To organise programmes for empowering woman
• To update the management on the rules and regulations framed by the government relating to the ICC


The Anti-ragging Committee acts as the face wash of the Institute when it comes to maintaining and protecting personal respect and dignity of every student in the Institute. This body investigates into cases that are reported to the head of the institute and submits a report. The body also helps the head of the Institute to take decisions on the report and execute the same. The anti-ragging cell reflects the sanctity of the Institute when it comes to values and ethics.

Objectives of the Cell:
• To create awareness among the students on the dehumanising effects of ragging
• To monitor the students and avoid the incidents of ragging
• To counsel the victims of ragging and extend support
• To conduct an enquiry and submit a report to the management on ragging charges raise
• To ensure proper actions are taken against perpetrators of such practices


The Institution has established an Equal Opportunity Centre, as per the guidelines of UGC, to oversee the effective implementation of policies and programmes for disadvantaged groups, to provide guidance and counselling with respect to academic, financial, social and other matters and to enhance the diversity within the campus.

Objectives of the Cell:
• To ensure equity and equal opportunity for the community at large in the College and bring about social inclusion.
• To create a socially congenial atmosphere for academic interaction and for the growth of healthy interpersonal relationships among the students coming from various social backgrounds.
• To look into the grievances of the weaker section of society and suggest amicable solutions to their problems.


Amizade is the alumni association of the Institute. It keeps the alumni united to the umbilical cord of the institution. The coordinator is responsible to collect the data of the final year students and publish the same on the graduation day. Once the students' data is at hand the coordinator regularly updates the alumni and involves them in various events such as guest lectures, seminars etc., besides planning value based events for the ongoing formation of the Desalites.

The Desalite Alumni Association strives to nurture a lifelong intellectual and emotional relationship with the College and among its alumni; and to provide a sustainable platform for effective networking, goodwill and support.

Objectives of the Cell:
• To promote a sustained sense of belongingness to the Alma Mater among the Alumni by being in regular contact with them and to develop interest in the well-being and affairs of the College
• To keep a roster of all Alumni of the College and its pertinent data and to collect, publish and distribute such information as may be useful to the alumni and their Alma Mater
• To develop a permanent network that keeps alumni in touch with each other and the College through special events and by disseminating information regarding their Alma Mater, faculty and students
• To Support the College’s mission and vision
• To Uphold and live by the values imbibed in the college and groom their attitudes to be grateful to the Alma Mater
• To guide and assist Alumni who have recently completed their courses of study at College to keep them engaged in productive pursuits useful to the society
• To provide a forum for the Alumni for exchange of ideas on academic, cultural and social issues of the day
• To organize and coordinate reunion activities of the Alumni
• To participate in activities contributing to the improvement of infrastructure & academic activities of the College
• To institute prizes and scholarships to students – for merit, and financial aid to the poor and deserving students of the College
• To Participate in the College activities at the regional and national levels, such as attending conferences, meetings, seminars, exhibitions, workshops and parties.
• To undertake all such activities as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above aims and objectives.


Discipline is the hallmark of our Institute. The dress code, behaviour and the language of the students reveal the standard of an Institute. Hence the taskmasters of the discipline team are of utmost importance and need to monitor all these areas of discipline. The team needs to be at the College much before the students enter into the College. The Discipline Committee coordinates with the security forces within the College for maintaining discipline. The staff of the Institute wholeheartedly cooperates with the task force in any matters of discipline. The task force also needs to be available for the staff in case of any untoward incidents.

• To oversee the disciplinary affairs of the College
• To take action against the students breaking the rules of the institution
• To maintain the rules and regulations of the College
• To ensure the classes and various events happen in an orderly manner


The library is a place where the knowledge thirst of the readers gets quenched. With thousands of books and a digital library with hi-speed internet, the Library is the knowledge centre of the institution. The library committee will be responsible to matters related to the administration of the Library.

• To decide and adopt policies for the improvement and development of the Library.
• To decide on the rules and regulations for the library use.
• To take care of the activities and budgeting of the Library.
• To procure books and maintain the Library accounts.


The Cultural Committee acts as a catalyst to bring out the talents of the students. Though there are separate committees and in-charges for various cultural events in the Institute, the cultural coordinator is the ultimate responsible head. He/ she is kept informed about the events, consulted on the proceedings and meticulous planning of the same. The cultural coordinator maintains all the proceedings of the meetings with the help of the writer and maintains the files concerning the various events. The cultural coordinator is directly responsible to the IQAC with regard to handing over the files of the events. The departmental celebrations such as Freshers’ day, Farewell, Third Year batch gathering and picnics are also to be reported to the same. Students are also to go through the cultural coordinator in order to participate in any inter-collegiate cultural events.

• To coordinate and conduct various cultural events in the College
• To guide the students to participate in the inter and intra collegiate cultural programmes
• To maintain the records of the cultural events


The Committee is in charge of all the sports and games events and monitors the regular activities of various sports. The coordinator looks into the regular practices to be given by the coaches, and looks into amenities to be provided for the sports personnel. All the coaches need to consult the coordinator with regard to any sports events within or outside the Institute. Events are planned and with the approval of the Principal the same is executed.

• To oversee all the sports events in the College
• To monitor the discipline of the students in the sports field
• To regulate the selection process of the sports personnel in consultation with the coaches concerned
• To approve of students who would represent the College at inter-collegiate, university, state, national or international level
• To take custody of the gym and all sports materials in the College


Vista – the College Magazine is the record of the events that took place in the College during an academic year. This committee keeps a track of all the events throughout the year that needs to be featured in the annual magazine.

• To fix the theme of the magazine to procure various articles and news-items in collaboration with the students’ editorial board
• To plan the layout, content, and editing of the content
• To publish and distribute the magazine.
• To maintain a record of the present and the previous magazines in hard as well as soft copies.


The Desalites Women Empowerment Cell upholds women and their rights. It coordinates with the women staff and the students and support them in their welfare.

• To train women to protect themselves
• To educate women on their rights and duties
• To conduct various programmes and invites experts on various value-based topics to build a strong independent woman for a better society.
• To Empower women and to instill in them the need to be financially independent
• To organize programmes for the upliftment of women in the vicinity of the College. The cell organizes and celebrates ‘International Women’s Day’


SFS College provides career guidance and placement facilities to under graduate and post graduate students. The office helps the students assess their career interest with aptitude and offers them an opportunity to meet and be interviewed by some of the prestigious firms in the state and the country. It organizes mock interviews, workshops, seminars and group discussions on relevant topics. Campus recruitment is held from November to May of every academic year. Usually, the process begins with a pre-placement talk which gives students an insight about the company and the job they have to offer followed by the selection process.

• To act as a facilitator between the student and the industry
• To provide adequate soft skills
• To organize various skill building training sessions
• To prepare the student to face the interviews of any industry
• To conduct career guidance classes to the students at regular intervals
• To monitor as well as give constructive suggestions, at regular intervals, on how sessions/classes can be conducted in order to equip the students for the industry


The Admission Committee of the College goes through the application of the students and counsels them to select the programme of their choice. They will take care of the complete admission procedure. The Committee tries to bring in diversity as well as improve the quality culture in the college by bringing in students from various backgrounds.

• To plan for the admission process of the College
• To publicize and promote the competitiveness of the College
• To guide the students to select suitable courses
• To facilitate admissions in a seamless manner


The Student Welfare Committee seeks to provide support to the students in their academic, co- curricular, extra-curricular and address their needs inside the campus

• The Student Welfare Committee takes the responsibility of guiding and interacting with the students and listens to their needs.
• The Welfare Committee conducts meetings with students and asks for their requirements from time to time.
• The Committee will also recommend to the management, the welfare measures for the students that needs to be addressed.


The College has students from more than seven countries in the world and to create an ambient atmosphere for all the foreign students studying in the College, the International student Forum was created.

• The Forum will guide and support the foreign students in the campus.
• The Forum will address the difficult situations faced by them.
• The Forum will also provide support in their visa and travelling arrangements.


The Health Club looks into educating boys and girls on matters of hygiene and sexual education.

• The Club regularly conduct awareness programs on various diseases and are in charge of coordinating with doctors from various hospitals for the same.
• The Club also takes care of the maintenance of the sick room.
• To provide medical aid in times of need.
• The Club is responsible to have the first aid box in the institution.


The Counselling Centre with a professional Counsellor is available for all Desalites in the holistic development of their personality. The Counselling Centre facilities the development of remedial systems for students whose inadequate motivational factors have kept them away from achieving their potential. Students with any problem can approach the counsellor for solace. The Centre also concentrates on students who do not perform well in their exams and are irregular for classes. The Counsellor is a certified/licensed College Counsellor with specific qualifications and skills to address the academic, personal/ social and career developmental needs of the students and the staff.

• To help students to make proper adjustments for improved academic pursuit and qualities of life
• To motivate and support the students to regularly attend the classes and to prepare for the exams systematically
• To guide them in their relationship crisis and to show them how to progress in life


The College always takes pride in holding up the dreams of the students and converting the same into reality. To create a platform for the aspiring entrepreneurs, the Entrepreneurship and Incubation Cell was started in 2017.

• To orient on the importance of entrepreneurship.
• To motivate the students and make them capable of perceiving and exploiting their potentials.
• To guide the budding entrepreneurs and provide them financial support and also by providing the physical environment for their ideas to bloom.


The institution always believes in the motto “Improving Agriculture improves Life”. With this noble intention to provide a helping hand to farmers who are the caretakers of the earth and motivate young minds to willingly shoulder the responsibility for building a just and humane society, the Desalite Farmer Friendly Association (DFFA) was started. The Desalite Farmer Friendly Association (DFFA) seeks to empower the rural community by understanding their struggles and supporting them to understand modern practices and advanced methods in agriculture.

• To promote self-help groups, rural women empowerment and cooperative leadership.
• To introduce the latest techniques, cutting edge agricultural machinery, agro- industries, diary and other allied services to farmers.
• To enlighten them about the benefits of organic farming.


Centre for Social Action (CSA) brings life to the student body. The CSA keeps contacts with NGO's and other institutions of great value and coordinates programs and undertaking visits to enhance the society along with the students.

• CSA will plan and conduct street plays regularly in the college as well as in the villages and places of need such as city corners, traffic signals, etc.
• It will train the students in coordination with the traffic signals, road rules and other public rules.
• It will also train the students in coordination with the traffic police, police force and other government agencies with regard to matters of importance such as protection of women, following traffic rules, handling emergency situations, awareness programs, etc.


The Association seeks to foster the Christian faith in the community.

• It will take the initiatives for the arrangements of the First Friday Mass every month and organising retreats for the Christian students.
• The Association will also help in promoting the faith by making provisions for spiritual assistance, whenever required.
• It will also promote participation of the students in inter-collegiate Christian fests.
• It will foster the spread of values among student through various creative methods.


The Quills Quake is the campus radio run by the students of the institution. The campus radio engages the campus through various programs.

• To provide quality programs for the students and staff.
• To keep the students informed on public and college affairs.
• To educate the students by providing educational and professional development programs.


Nature's Club is the environment-protector of the campus

• The Club seeks to enlighten the students on the importance of protection of Nature through seminars, workshops and other activities.
• The Club specially focuses on the aspect of “Swatch Bharat” and “Youth for Green” and how these slogans can be effectively implemented in the campus.
• The Club will also venture the possibilities of tying up with other organisations that work for the protection of the environment.


The NCC/KCD is another feather in the cap of the institution. The NCC has an Army wing, Navy and Air wing. The regular parade includes training in drill, arms, map reading, weapon training, firing, etc. The adventurous activities include parasailing, rock climbing, mountaineering, trekking, etc. The cadets participate in various camps like Republic Day Parade, TSC, CATC, NIC, ANSC, AVSC and also state as well as National level camps.

• To inculcate moral values, discipline and patriotism among the students.
• To enlighten the leadership spirit in the students.
• To motivate them to serve the nation.


NSS Unit of SFS College was established in the year 2007 and the volunteers actively involve themselves in various extension activities. National Service Scheme at St. Francis de Sales College is sponsored by Government of Karnataka through the leadership of Bangalore University, is a noble experiment in academic expansion.

• It inculcates the spirit of voluntary work among the students and teachers through sustained community interaction.
• To develop the sense of social and civil responsibility.
• To inculcate the attitude of selfless service among the students.


The NCC/KCD is another feather in the cap of the institution. The NCC has an Army wing, Navy and Air wing. The regular parade includes training in drill, arms, map reading, weapon training, firing, etc. The adventurous activities include parasailing, rock climbing, mountaineering, trekking, etc. The cadets participate in various camps like Republic Day Parade, TSC, CATC, NIC, ANSC, AVSC and also state as well as National level camps.

The KCD also conducts activities that promote the patriotic spirit among the students.

• To inculcate moral values, discipline and patriotism among the students.
• To enlighten the leadership spirit in the students.
• To motivate them to serve the nation.


Rangers and Rovers is a Movement for the young people of age 18 and above. The motto of the Movement is Service to society. The purpose is to develop the young people as Rangers and Rovers, in achieving their overall physical, intellectual, social and spiritual goals, thus enabling them to become more responsible and duty-bound individuals in society and communities. The Movement is based on the principles like Duty to God, Duty to others and Duty to self.

• To practice national integration.
• To develop personality through community services.
• To engage themselves in creative and constructive social work.
• To work with and among people.
• To gain leadership skills.
• To enable students to have ethical sense.


The Red Cross Society at St. Francis de Sales College is a voluntary humanitarian organisation to protect human life and health. The Society's mission is providing relief in times of disasters/emergencies and promoting health and care of vulnerable people and communities.

• To promote humanity and voluntary service among youth.
• To promote unity and universality.
• To serve the vulnerable people and communities.


North East Desalites Association is formed to protect and support the students from the North East region of India in the campus.

• To create an inclusive environment in the college.
• To support and guide the North East students.
• To provide them the best environment for their education and promote solidarity in the campus.


To Be Updated


The College Choir integrates the life of the campus through the medium of music.

• The College Choir in-charges will identify the interested students and groom them to form a team of singers and musicians, who can render their service whenever needed.
• It will look for possibilities of training the students as well as providing them opportunities and platforms to showcase their talents.
• The College Choir is expected to be available for all the common functions and events of the College.


To Be Updated

OBC Cell

The OBC Cell was established to support and empower the OBC students.

• To address to the needs and wants of the OBC students.
• To orient them on the facilities available to them.
• To guide them on the scholarships available to them.

SC/ST Cell

The SC/ST Cell was established to support and empower the SC/ST students.

• To address to the needs and wants of the SC/ST students. • To orient them on the facilities available to them. • To guide them on the scholarships available to them.


Curriculum Enrichment Committee is designed to add greater value and put life into the overall education process of the students. It provides activities in order to extend student's education beyond their main course of study.

• To provide certificate courses to add to the value of education
• To motivate the students to see beyond the syllabus and enrich them for future
• To broaden the educational experience of the students .


The ICT team of SFS College tries to connect technology with education. With the help of our ERP partners, the ICT team works hand in hand to improve the quality of education in the college

• To improve the experience and confidence in the use of ICT for students, teachers and parents
• To promote new behaviours in the teaching-learning process
• To support and assist the users in the usage of the ICT modules used by the college


The Academia Industry Interaction Cell was established to strengthen the collaborations/linkages among the academicians/ research students/industry across the globe to create a greater level of research experience in the college.

• To interact with institutions, other universities, industries, corporate houses and getting the memorandum of understanding signed by both the parties
• To analyse the terms and conditions of the agreements and plan the activities
• To assess the needs of each course and drafting an activity suitable for the different programs
• To organise the activities that enable students to acquire gainful knowledge in areas other than academic learning
• To assist the students in developing a career path and devising career development programs
• To continuously monitor the areas of improvement among the students and identify the programs that best suit the present needs and demands of the student community


Desalite Skill Development Cell (DSDC) was framed to conduct skill development programs and courses for the students to create a skilled workforce that contributes to the development of the nation.

• To provide adequate training in industry related skills
• To train and groom the youth with skill development courses
• To expose the students to vocational training
• To bridge the gap between education and industry


Faculty Enrichment Committee works towards developing the skill set of the staff by organising Skill development programs for the Staff and embracing the quality culture in the college.

• To inculcate student engagement based new learning and teaching methodology among Faculty members
• To encourage faculty to attend refresher courses and research oriented programs
• To organise FDPs for the teaching as well as non-teaching staff
• To organise quality oriented programs for all the stakeholders in collaboration with various institutions


Media Monitoring Team works to uphold the quality pursuit of the institution by monitoring the social representation of the institution through social medias.

• To monitor editorial content for the website and social media
• Track the events of the college and collect reports for documentation
• To be responsible for content writing for the social media of the College


The Innovation and Best Practices engages the students in the process of acquiring knowledge, comprehending, application, synthesis, analysis and evaluation.

• To provide the platform for the students to showcase their skills and support them in their valuable talents. • To explore new research areas • To use and upgrade to new modes of research • To seed inquisitiveness in students • To develop critical, analytical and creative thinking skills


Gandhian Study Centre works towards propagating social and political ideas of Mahatma Gandhi. Its aim is to analyze and interpret the relevance of Gandhian Philosophy and apply it to the contemporary problems.


The Ambedkar Study Centre aims to create awareness on the life and works of Babasaheb Dr. B R. Ambedkar. It works towards keeping alive the vision and progressive ideas of the great leader of our nation


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