NAAC 'A' Accredited | Affiliated To Bangalore University | AICTE Approved

St. Francis de Sales College


Date of Event(s) 14-06-2024
Department/Association/Cell/Committee NCC
Venue(Mention the platform if it is online) RASHTRIYA MILITARY SCHOOL
Number of Participants 05
Target Audience 150
Resource Person(s) with qualification(if applicable) UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF ASSOCIATE NCC OFFICER CAPT. SAMPATH KUMAR R
Place of visit/ details of Industrial Visit place (if applicable): RASHTRIYA MILITARY SCHOOL
Event Coordinator CAPT. SAMPATH KUMAR R

On 14th of June 2024 cadets from SFS degree college belonging to 1/1 COY ARMY WING of 1 KAR BN NCC took part in the event Motor cycle Rally for Rajat Jayanti Mahotsav held at Rastriya military school.

The Motorcycle Rally, A grand event to commemorate the Indian army's victory in the kargil war. The event was attended by NCC cadets, Indian army personnel and families of martyred soldiers.

A team of Indian Army personnel embarked on a 4000km motorcycle journey from Dhanushkodi to Bengaluru, passing through Himachal Pradesh, Manali, Sarju, and Ladakh, to pay tribute to the soldiers of the Kargil War. NCC cadets welcomed the motorcycle rally team at Rastriya Military School with slogans and cheers in the Chanakya Auditorium. Brigadier Ajay Singh Takur, Commandant MEG Center, hosted the flag, marking the beginning of the program. The event paid tribute to the soldiers who sacrificed their lives in the Kargil War. The wives and mothers of martyred soldiers, "veeranary " were felicitated for their sacrifices. The Commandant spoke about the significance of NCC and the tribute paid to the martyrs through the motorcycle rally.
Lt Col Manoj Kumar Naik expressed gratitude to all those who made the event possible. A photoshoot was conducted to capture the memories of the event.

The Kargil Vijay Diwas Rajat Jayanti Mahotsav was a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by Indian soldiers in the Kargil War. The event successfully honored the memories of the martyrs and inspired the NCC cadets to follow in their footsteps.

We would like to thank our CO Ravindra Singh, SM Rohith, Principal Rev Fr Binu, Vice principal Jijo Jose and our ANO Capt. Sampath Kumar R for providing their constant guidance and support.

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