NAAC 'A' Accredited | Affiliated To Bangalore University | AICTE Approved

St. Francis de Sales College


Date of Event(s) 13-06-2024
Department/Association/Cell/Committee NCC
Venue(Mention the platform if it is online) ST. FRANCIS DE SALES COLLEGE, HEBBAGODI
Number of Participants 50
Target Audience 500
Resource Person(s) with qualification(if applicable) UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF ASSOCIATE NCC OFFICER CAPT. SAMPATH KUMAR R
Place of visit/ details of Industrial Visit place (if applicable): ST. FRANCIS DE SALES COLLEGE, HEBBAGODI
Event Coordinator CAPT. SAMPATH KUMAR R

On 13th of June 2024 cadets from SFS degree college belonging to 1/1 COY ARMY WING of 1 KAR BN NCC witnessed a momentous occasion The Governors visit for the Autonomy declaration and Graduation Day.

The Graduation ceremony of St Francis De Sales Degree College was held at 13th of June. The honorable governor, Sir Thawar Chand Gehlot graced the occasion as the chief guest. This report provides a detailed account of the event’s planning, execution, and outcomes.

A graduation committee was formed months prior to the event, comprising faculty members, administrative staff, and student representatives. The committee was divided into sub-teams responsible for logistics, hospitality, security, and communications.

After a series of follow-ups, the governor’s attendance was confirmed, the governor's office provided a list of protocol requirements, which were duly noted and incorporated into the event, and the Honorable governor was escorted by our NCC cadets, and there was a band team to welcome the Honorable Chief guests. The autonomous status of the college was officially announced by the Governor. Further the graduation certificates were issued to our graduates and few of the students also received the toppers awards and followed by there was a folk-dance performance by our NCC cadets.

We would like to thank our CO Col M R Suresh, AO Lt. Col Ravindra Singh, SM Rohith, Principal Rev Fr Binu, Vice Principal Rev Fr Jijo Jose and our ANO Capt. Sampath Kumar R for providing their constant guidance and support

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